11-20 of 44 results
FS#68 : dmd rebuild results in gen_man segfault
FS#56 : libreoffice-fresh 6.1.3-1.0 in [extra] is not ...
FS#24 : [extra/viewnior] Needs rebuild against exiv2=0.26
FS#84 : openjdk 7 doesn't build - bugs.archlinux32.org
FS#12 : [python-setuptools] check() fails (due to some ...
FS#64 : [wireguard] wireguard-arch-0.0.20190227-3.0-i686 ...
FS#3 : [ffmpeg] missing FLAC codec - Arch Linux 32
How do I check this? I tested inputting a file to ffmpeg using the -i option and it acted like the output of ffprobe reporting things like the duration correctly before barfing that I hadn't supplied it with any outputs. Is this fixed therefore?
FS#83 : kdeinit5 is filling the systemd journal with ...
FS#52 : Some packages are built by "Unknown Packager"
i was trying to make sense of this today and my results were pretty strange i wrote a script to extract 'Unknown Packager' from the db caches in /var/lib/pacman/sync/ and i got very different counts then what luke reported - i ran the same script on both parabola i686 and again on arch32 - it did show that all of the packages by 'Unknown ...
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