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FS#31 : librsvg fails with invalid opcode on 2.42.1 and newer
  • Status Closed
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  • Task Type Bug Report
  • Category Packages
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  • Operating System
  • Severity Low
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Attached to Project: Archlinux32
Opened by Swift Geek - 16.03.2018
Last edited by Andreas Baumann - 26.03.2018

FS#31 - librsvg fails with invalid opcode on 2.42.1 and newer

traps: gtk3-demo[365] trap invalid opcode ip:aedd3e15 sp:bffc64c0 error:0 in librsvg-2.so.2.42.3[aed27000+11a000]

Downgrading to 2.40.19 seems to help.

This could be related to machine not having SSE2 (Pentium III-M Tualin)

Related bbs thread: https://bbs.archlinux32.org/viewtopic.php?id=1369

Closed by  Andreas Baumann
26.03.2018 15:02
Reason for closing:  Fixed
Paul Gover commented on 26.03.2018 11:03

For me, librsvg-2:2.42.3-1.2 fixes the problem


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