11-20 of 2’530 results
Pentium II with Asus P2B-S / Artwork, Screenshots & Setups ...
pacman: repo or key problem / System Administration / Arch ...
[SOLVED] community/netbeans 10.0-0.0 doesn't work / Fatal ...
Simplemente ¡Gracias! / Español / Arch Linux 32 Forums
14.06.2019 · Sé que no es el medio adecuado, pero gracias por mantener viva la versión de 32bits, tengo una pc de bajos recursos y aunque probé varias distro con ninguna lograba realmente una fluidez de sistema, incluso la versión de 64 bits de arch no iba tan fina... asà que ¡Muchas gracias!
[Solved] How do I turn off system beep? / Kernel ...
[solved] notepadqq will not start / Installation / Arch ...
icu broken / Announcements / Arch Linux 32 Forums
Arch Linux 32 Forums
Cannot install packages / Pacman / Pacman Upgrades / Arch ...
01.06.2019 · I'm terribly sorry about this: We had these packages (automake,docbook-*,...) with "i686" and "any" arch and I just cleaned up w/o having a look at the database, so there were still the "i686" packages in the database but only the "any" packages on the mirror.