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  1. https://bbs.archlinux32.org/viewtopic.php?id=2504

    18.07.2018 Â· Hat bisher auch Problemlos geklappt, jedoch bekomme ich seit einiger Zeit nur noch Fehlermeldungen. Mache ich nun --refresh ohne archlinux32 Zusatz, aktualisert er ja nur die 64BIt keys.

  2. Pentium II with Asus P2B-S / Artwork, Screenshots & Setups ...


    31.10.2018 Â· Erk! Oh well, as long as it's load balanced with something a bit more trustworthy!

  3. pacman: repo or key problem / System Administration / Arch ...


    Hmm, this isn't something I've encountered yet. Do you have archlinux32-keyring installed? If so, you can try to flush your pacman keyring and repopulate it.

  4. [SOLVED] community/netbeans 10.0-0.0 doesn't work / Fatal ...


    Arch Linux. Home; News; Packages; Forums; Bugs; Mailing List; Download; Arch Linux Official; Index; User list; Search; Register; Login

  5. Simplemente ¡Gracias! / Español / Arch Linux 32 Forums


    14.06.2019 Â· Sé que no es el medio adecuado, pero gracias por mantener viva la versión de 32bits, tengo una pc de bajos recursos y aunque probé varias distro con ninguna lograba realmente una fluidez de sistema, incluso la versión de 64 bits de arch no iba tan fina... así que ¡Muchas gracias!

  6. [Solved] How do I turn off system beep? / Kernel ...


    04.04.2018 Â· I'm not sure if this is the right or best way to do it. I'm not even completely sure it will work, but I think it works for me (made this configuration many years ago and haven't touched it since).

  7. [solved] notepadqq will not start / Installation / Arch ...


    So, glibc got rebuild, qt5-webkit not. Nothing you can do, we have to rebuild packages, mainly qt5-webkit, I think.

  8. icu broken / Announcements / Arch Linux 32 Forums


    15.11.2018 Â· regarding the remaining packages: thunderbird and firefox fail with out-of-memory repeatedly, no matter what we try (even building with makepkg outside of the usual build environment on a machine with lots of swap does not help)

  9. Arch Linux 32 Forums


    For discussion regarding adding and maintaining the packages in the Arch Linux 32 repository.

  10. Cannot install packages / Pacman / Pacman Upgrades / Arch ...


    01.06.2019 Â· I'm terribly sorry about this: We had these packages (automake,docbook-*,...) with "i686" and "any" arch and I just cleaned up w/o having a look at the database, so there were still the "i686" packages in the database but only the "any" packages on the mirror.