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As I've noticed last night, there is no rankmirrors included on latest ISO nor downloadable from any repo. Why did someone decided to remove that great script? I'm aware that there's reflector available but it's not included in latest ISO either. That's just stupid. Just my 2 cents.
Last edited by Cooleech (2018-07-27 08:09:24)
To reply to myself, I've got sortof answer on forum that says:
┌─[Shiv ~]
└─╼ pacman -Fs rankmirrors
community/pacman-contrib 1.0.0-2Closing -- for deletion
which tells me almost nothing and he removed it into dustbin. Not a great way of helping someone. I'm not close to my PC so I cannot test this whatever this supposed to be.
Yes, rankmirrors exists inside pacman-contrib. Whether that's a change or not I can't remember but the installations I've done over at least the past year have wanted me to install that package sooner or later, though for the initial bootstrap I usually just find on good mirror and use that.
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
Yes, I've already implemented pacman-contrib package into my
script since I tested that once I got to my laptop. Older ISOs had
rankmirrors script, but new one does not. Strange that that change
didn't get any attention.. Oh, well, life goes on.
Well, the ISOs continue to grow for reasons that I don't fully understand - whether it's stuff being added to them in the main or the growth of code inside pre-installed packages I don't know. But when I first installed ArchLinux I used a dual i686 and x64 ISO that I burned to a plain old 70-odd minute CD, and nowadays I need to use a DVD for even the bare i686 iso. And last time I looked, using rankmirrors wasn't advised in the install guide, although it is mentioned on the mirrors wiki page as I recall which are probably linked in to the install page somehow.
Last edited by levi (2018-07-28 04:11:39)
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
I guess reflector should be better choice, but I never had any
problems with rankmirrors. Soon I'll take a closer look into reflector
and perhaps replace rankmirrors in my script with it. And about ISOs
size.. I guess since linux itself grows by each release, so does the
rest of pkgs on live media. It is a bit funny but it is what it is,
nowdays optical media are basically obsolete so it's not that much of a
Last edited by Cooleech (2018-07-29 19:23:34)
Oh, I still have at least half a stack of 50 DVD-Rs to use up, so I still use one every time I want to reimage a system (which is still fairly rare, but there you go).
Architecture: pentium4, Testing repos: Yes, Hardware: EeePC 901+2GB RAM+OS half on the SD card.
Pages: 1