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i have the mirrorlist from here: … mirrorlist
at the start i uncomment a server and the syncing (and updating packages) is working great.
but it seems that it stops afterwards.
if after an hour or half a day (it doesn't matter after what time
really :-)) i want to sync pacman again, it always tell me it is up to
even after 3 or 4 days it tells me that.
so what i do is commenting out the server i used from the mirrorlist and uncomment other server.
and suddenly pacman is syncing again (you see it downloading core community etc').
it is a pattern on my machine.
i always change to a different server in the mirror list file because the server i choose and used, stop syncing.
also it is OK to use again some previous server i used to sync before, if i choose other one, before it.
so i can flip the servers i use again and again.
for example i can uncomment belarus server and after it stops working, i comment it out and uncomment a german server.
and vice versa again and again.
today i did it again.
sort of 5-6 days it didn't sync (with the same server from mirrorlist),
i changed to a different server (and of course comment out the previous
one that didn't sync) and it synced and there were new packages to
Last edited by andav (2018-05-06 10:07:47)
My mirrorlist
$ cat /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
## Arch Linux repository mirrorlist
## Sorted by mirror score from mirror status page
## Canada
Server =$arch/$repo
## France
Server =$arch/$repo
## Germany
Server =$arch/$repo
## United States
Server =$arch/$repo
and them
# pacman-key --populate archlinux32
and then
sudo pacman -Syyu
Last edited by judd (2018-05-06 14:30:22)
My mirrorlist
$ cat /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
## ## Arch Linux repository mirrorlist ## Sorted by mirror score from mirror status page ## ## Canada Server =$arch/$repo ## France Server =$arch/$repo ## Germany Server =$arch/$repo ## United States Server =$arch/$repo
and them
# pacman-key --populate archlinux32
and then
sudo pacman -Syyu
i already did the transition to archlinux32 as described in the download page:
my problem exists after this process.
mirror.roelf is out-of-date currently, though the other mirrors should be working fine.
problem still exist.
i copied judd's mirrorlist yesterday with one exception:
i moved canada server to be the last.
today i tried to yaourt -Syua and it sync nothing.
nothing was downloaded.
so i commented France server and again now it synced and i had a new package to upgrade.
problem still exist.
i copied judd's mirrorlist yesterday with one exception:
i moved canada server to be the last.
today i tried to yaourt -Syua and it sync nothing.
nothing was i commented France server and again now it synced and i had a new package to upgrade.
I hope it's just a temporary problem with the mirrors, just that.
I do not get problems updating with pacman, nor with yaourt, but always before updating I type the update of keys with:
# pacman-key --populate archlinux32
==> Añadiendo las claves de archlinux32.gpg...
==> Firmando localmente las claves de confianza en el depósito...
-> Firmando localmente la clave CE0BDE71A759A87F23F0F7D8B61DBCE10901C163...
-> Firmando localmente la clave 2FF1E976D6EB2E954A87DC14443904EC9EC51A8A...
-> Firmando localmente la clave D92CDDC155BCC8F550B5FCEC30AB721FE7400FCD...
-> Firmando localmente la clave A0B250C0FC9FC079EC04ADB7A50C0F20AEC3AF00...
-> Firmando localmente la clave 194E37A47A4C671807BACB37B1117BC1094EA6E9...
==> Importando los valores de los propietarios de confianza...
==> Desactivando las claves revocadas en el depósito...
-> Desactivando la clave C3A8190912128B5A2E96C6023ED6490AEF932C8A...
-> Desactivando la clave 7C98C4C3DE926168DC46FBAA3D06644243BF68D3...
==> Actualizando la base de datos de claves de confianza...
gpg: siguiente comprobación de base de datos de confianza el: 2018-05-15
# pacman -Syyu
:: Sincronizando las bases de datos de los paquetes...
core 174,2 KiB 277K/s 00:01 [----------------------] 100%
extra 2,3 MiB 855K/s 00:03 [----------------------] 100%
community 4,7 MiB 854K/s 00:06 [----------------------] 100%
:: Iniciando actualización completa del sistema...
resolviendo dependencias...
buscando conflictos entre paquetes...
Paquetes (1) python2-2.7.15-1.0
Tamaño total de la descarga: 12,14 MiB
Tamaño total de la instalación: 73,10 MiB
Tamaño neto tras actualizar: 0,48 MiB
:: ¿Continuar con la instalación? [S/n]
:: Obteniendo los paquetes...
python2-2.7.15-1.0-i686 12,1 MiB 1162K/s 00:11 [----------------------] 100%
(1/1) comprobando las claves del depósito [----------------------] 100%
(1/1) verificando la integridad de los paquetes [----------------------] 100%
(1/1) cargando los archivos de los paquetes [----------------------] 100%
(1/1) comprobando conflictos entre archivos [----------------------] 100%
(1/1) comprobando el espacio disponible en el ... [----------------------] 100%
:: Procesando los cambios de los paquetes...
(1/1) actualizando python2 [----------------------] 100%
Dependencias opcionales nuevas para python2
:: Ejecutando los «hooks» de posinstalación...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
# exit
$ yaourt -Syua
[sudo] password for judd:
:: Sincronizando las bases de datos de los paquetes...
core está actualizado
extra está actualizado
community está actualizado
Paquetes externos: / 9 / 9
Last edited by judd (2018-05-07 13:14:19)
Pages: 1