Survey: On what cpu do you (want to) use archlinux32 ...
17.03.2018 - 25 Posts - 20 Autoren
We were getting some reports of unusable packages due to wrong
instruction sets. For that reason we decided to make a short survey
to ...problems at the end of install / Installation / Arch Linux 32 Forums
17.03.2018 - 13 Posts - 2 Autoren
went well till "systemctl start sddm." it went to a black screen with
"-" blinking and stayed that way for 12 hours while i was at workBug report: LXDM fails with invalid op-code in librsvg-2:2.42.1-1 ...
13.03.2018 - 9 Posts - 4 Autoren
think this is an CPU support issue, with librsvg needing SSE or SSE2,
and my Pentium III a bit short. The symptom is LXDM fails to bring up
its ...[Solved] How do I turn off system beep? / Kernel & Hardware / Arch ...
12.03.2018 - 4 Posts - 3 Autoren
anybody know how I can disable the system beep? I came across a post
that showed how to disable it for the current session, but I
was ...[Solved] Cannot update ffmpeg / Pacman / Pacman Upgrades / Arch ...
09.03.2018 - 13 Posts - 7 Autoren
"pacman -Syu" today I could not upgrade ffmpeg. warning: cannot resolve
"", a dependency of "ffmpeg". pacman offers ...Trying Arch 32 from USB stick / Installation / Arch Linux 32 Forums
07.03.2018 - 8 Posts - 6 Autoren
archlinux-2018.03.01-i686 and installed on a USB Stick. Booted the
stick on an older 32 bit Toshiba laptop and am left at a ...Several Issues along the install process / Installation / Arch ...
03.03.2018 - 3 Posts - 2 Autoren
just installed Archlinux32, I've noticed the following issues:
Corrupted console text. This apparent widely known issue. Which I think
you ...Which client should I use for Skype? / Installation / Arch Linux ...
24.02.2018 - 4 Posts - 2 Autoren
have installed skype-legacy, but when I try to login, program simply
exits (no error messages neither in the console, where I started skype
from ...Mysteryous freezes at startup / Kernel & Hardware / Arch Linux 32 ...
22.02.2018 - 2 Posts - 1 Autor
GRUB_DEFAULT=1 GRUB_TIMEOUT=5 GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="Arch" GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet nomodeset debug ...Xorg not starting / Installation / Arch Linux 32 Forums
20.02.2018 - 5 Posts - 3 Autoren
I've installed arch on an old Sony Vaio laptop (VGN-TX3XP) though for
some reason X doesn't start. To test the setup I'm using "exec
twm" ...