ABS for archlinux32 / Pacman / Pacman Upgrades / Arch Linux 32 Forums
01.01.2018 - 5 Posts - 3 Autoren
it possible to retrieve the build script like we do on ArchLinux? The
Arch packages refuse to build for now for 32 bits. It is probably just
a ...testing/xorg-server: Xorg.wrap is missing the SUID bit / Creating ...
29.12.2017 - 13 Posts - 2 Autoren
Hello,. I have a laptop that has no KMS support, and after the upgrade to xorg-How can I see PKGBUILD's of packages in repository ? / Creating ...
16.12.2017 - 5 Posts - 2 Autoren
You have to have a look at two PKGBUILDs, the one upstream at: https://git.New package versioning convention / Pacman / Pacman Upgrades ...
08.12.2017 - 4 Posts - 2 Autoren
I've noticed that the x64 Arch package versioning convention (package.x.y-<community/tensorflow / Creating/Maintaining Packages / Arch Linux ...
09.10.2017 - 7 Posts - 2 Autoren
You have bazel 0.6.1- installed. Using python library path: /usr/lib/python3.6/site-core/linux-lts / Creating/Maintaining Packages / Arch Linux 32 Forums
10.11.2017 - 7 Posts - 2 Autoren
Ah. The kernel config was shared before between 64 and 32 bit (same config for both architectures). In packagesi486 motivation thread / Artwork, Screenshots & Setups / Arch ...
04.12.2017 - 25 Posts - 5 Autoren
from a probably not that serious comment from Andreas Baumann, I'd like
to start a thread to motivate him (and anyone else ...Archlinux32 on a EFI tablet / Installation / Arch Linux 32 Forums
03.12.2017 - 4 Posts - 4 Autoren
have an old shitty local market tablet which runs a heavely restricted
version of Windows 8. It served no use until now because all specs
are ...No boot from live CD / Servers & Networking / Arch Linux 32 Forums
27.11.2017 - 12 Posts - 3 Autoren
please point me in the direction to get this server running sad. Burnt
liveCD to a CD, all is good, boots into it, enter on boot live
OS ...ArchBang 32bit / System Administration / Arch Linux 32 Forums
26.11.2017 - 16 Posts - 6 Autoren
have recently been working on a i686 version of ArchBang (currently
beta). It is based on archlinux32 though we do not have uefi at
the ...