[SOLVED] encfs error after upgrading / Pacman / Pacman Upgrades ...
21.05.2018 - 3 Posts - 2 Autoren
pacman -Qi encfs Name : encfs Version : 1.9.4-1.0 Description :
Encrypted filesystem in user-space Architecture : i686 URL ...[Solved}cannot update from archlinux32 / Pacman / Pacman Upgrades ...
15.03.2018 - 3 Posts - 2 Autoren
you plan to move from the official repositories to our community
maintained repositories, follow these steps: Put any mirror from our
mirrolist ...[SOLVED] librsvg updated / System Administration / Arch Linux 32 ...
28.01.2018 - 3 Posts - 2 Autoren
not sure what the process is for updating packages in the repositories.
I found a problem with librsvg after an update and reported it to
the ...xine-lib upgrade [Solved] / System Administration / Arch Linux 32 ...
18.12.2017 - 4 Posts - 2 Autoren
seems to have a new optdeps libmagick6. So the new xine-lib has been
pushed from testing to stable, but not libmagick6 it seems.[SOLVED] mirrorlist suggestion / Mirrors / Arch Linux 32 Forums
13.12.2017 - 3 Posts - 2 Autoren
strip the first hashtag and get a working mirrorlist. But the Arch32
mirrorlist has a single hashtag on the note about the .oss mirror and on
the ...Kodi open shared file or directory / System ...
03.12.2017 - 2 Posts - 2 Autoren
I just finished my arch install this morning and my old rig is purring
like a champ! I went to start kodi and I get the following error
message:.Uefi error with archiso32 / Building / Arch Linux 32 Forums
14.11.2017 - 3 Posts - 3 Autoren
work]$ cd i686/airootfs/usr/share/efitools/ [mrgreen@arch32 efitools]$
ls COPYING efi README [mrgreen@arch32 efitools]$ ...LibreOffice problem / Pacman / Pacman Upgrades / Arch Linux 32 Forums
04.11.2017 - 5 Posts - 3 Autoren
downgraded boost-libs from 1.65 to 1.64 and it works fine. Can you
rebuild libreoffice-fresh with boost-libs 1.65 support which is the
latest in ...pacman -Syu - 4.13.3-1-ARCH - displayerror / Installation / Arch ...
07.10.2017 - 5 Posts - 3 Autoren
if i make "pacman -Syu" i get an displayerror after new booting.
Sreenshot: I make with update:.Archlinux32.oss down? / Mirrors / Arch Linux 32 Forums
04.10.2017 - 7 Posts - 3 Autoren
is an openNIC tld. It's listed in the mirror list in case, someone
resolves via openNIC and prefers an "open" solution over the official