[SOLVED] community/netbeans 10.0-0.0 doesn't work / Fatal error in ...
05.07.2019 - 6 Posts - 2 Autoren
xcart-aim-arch[~]$ sudo archlinux-java status Available Java environments: java-Building AUR package with only x86_64 support / Building / Arch ...
04.07.2019 - 3 Posts - 3 Autoren
I am trying to build masterpdfeditor: produces segmentation fault error. / Creating ...
28.06.2019 - 7 Posts - 2 Autoren
QApplication: invalid style override passed, ignoring it. Available
styles: bb10dark, bb10bright, cleanlooks, gtk2, cde, motif, ...compiling chromium 75.0.3770.80 and ungoogled chromium / Building ...
13.06.2019 - 8 Posts - 2 Autoren
course it would be best to wait for the official package from our devs,
though if you compile your own the md5 checksum should match.snapd and archlinux32 / Installation / Arch Linux 32 Forums
19.11.2018 - 6 Posts - 3 Autoren
did we get, have the package snapd archlinux32? The installation will
failed. pacman -S snapd. can't play videos any more / Pacman / Pacman Upgrades ...
13.06.2019 - 3 Posts - 1 Autor
very much for the pentum 4 update to mplayer - it enabled me to undo my
hacks to unpack 686 dependent packages. Unfortunately, the ...SSL Certificate for this forum expired / Installation / Arch Linux ...
03.06.2019 - 7 Posts - 3 Autoren
idea where to put this, so apologies for posting this in the wrong
place: Apparently, the certificate for has expired
today ...How do you play HD videos on your low end hardware? / System ...
25.05.2019 - 4 Posts - 2 Autoren
is not problem, because one can switch to a lower resolution. However
video torrents usually contain HD (720p or 1080p) videos.Broadcom BCM4312 not working / Servers & Networking / Arch Linux ...
29.05.2019 - 8 Posts - 3 Autoren
everybody, I'm new with Arch. I have a BCM4312 wireless card issue, the
system does not detect it, install broadcom drivers without
results, ...Problem Building package (pentium4) / Building / Arch Linux 32 Forums
24.05.2019 - 7 Posts - 3 Autoren
failed to prepare transaction (package architecture is not valid) ::
package efl-git- does not
have ...