[LibreOffice] error while loading shared libraries: ...
13.05.2019 - 20 Posts - 7 Autoren
Since the last upgrade of the system, iI have the following problem. $ soffice /usr/[SOLVED] pacman warnings on glibc, libjpeg-turbo, libutil-linux ...
22.05.2019 - 5 Posts - 3 Autoren
you disabled the testing repos recently? I note that in my testing repo
there's a libxml2 -2.3 which I have installed but only a -2.0 in pacman will auto-install pentium4 packages / Announcements ...
15.05.2019 - 12 Posts - 5 Autoren
that this is only possible and necessary after pacman > 5.1.3-1.3
gets installed. Also note, that it's not a good idea to stick with i686
if your ...[Fixed] chromium crash / Creating/Maintaining Packages / Arch ...
12.05.2019 - 14 Posts - 4 Autoren
on 64-bit. stable or testing/i686: chromium 74.0.3729.131-3.1 stable or
testing/pentium4: chromium 74.0.3729.131-3.0. The pentium4 ...[SOLVED] Another icu package mismatch / System Administration ...
08.05.2019 - 6 Posts - 2 Autoren
last update broke my web server..I think I found the cause. I'm using
package php-apache which installs This module is
looking ...[Solved] empathy, gnome-control-center not work, icu packet ...
04.05.2019 - 20 Posts - 7 Autoren
04 19:57:27 tux gnome-control-center.desktop[824]:
gnome-control-center: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open ...[pentium4] bluetooth.service - D-Bus setup failed / Pacman ...
05.05.2019 - 2 Posts - 2 Autoren
journalctl -u bluetooth.service May 05 10:44:06 n systemd[1]: Starting
Bluetooth service... May 05 10:44:06 n bluetoothd[24821]:
Bluetooth ...About how many performance increase if upgrading to an Atom ...
06.05.2019 - 3 Posts - 3 Autoren
am planning to upgrading my current system which is an Pentium 4 2.4
Ghz with 2GB RAM and can only be started by slightly warming it
up ... is out of date? Downgrade doesn't ...
06.05.2019 - 7 Posts - 4 Autoren
xcart-aim-arch[~]$ export DOWNGRADE_ALA_URL= issue with quiterss / System Administration / Arch Linux 32 Forums
06.05.2019 - 5 Posts - 2 Autoren
moved to the pentium4 package branch yet? A number of apps on pentium4
are broken because of a couple of package mismatches, ...