Qt problem: Cannot mix incompatible Qt library / Installation ...
04.05.2019 - 5 Posts - 3 Autoren
when I posted this question I used the i686 package. After that I
realized that there is a new architecture, pentium4, which provides
some ...[SOLVED] some pentium4 upgrade problems / Installation / Arch ...
03.05.2019 - 14 Posts - 4 Autoren
have a couple of i686 machines that I update daily and have not had any
problems with until this morning (2019-05-03, kl 8:30) One
machine ...Installation of pentium4 optimized packages / Installation / Arch ...
01.05.2019 - 25 Posts - 11 Autoren
your CPU is one of the never kind (supporting SSE2), you can benefit
from the extra 2% you get in speed by switching to optimized
packages ...How to submit bug? / Creating/Maintaining Packages / Arch Linux 32 ...
25.04.2019 - 9 Posts - 7 Autoren
you know how, the quickest way to handle this is usually to drop the
relevant people a line on the IRC channel; #archlinux32 on ...Tune low spec pc. / Kernel & Hardware / Arch Linux 32 Forums
24.04.2019 - 5 Posts - 4 Autoren
I have a Asus Eee PC 1201HA. I hope this is the right place to put in
the post. The laptop has really low spec: CPU: 1.33GHz Intel
Atom ...[SOLVED] mkinitcpio Bug while installation / Installation / Arch ...
13.04.2019 - 9 Posts - 4 Autoren
have a problem with a new installation of my EeePC 1000H. Everything
works fine except the mkinitcpio process: Creating temporary files.Mirrors are painfully slow / Installation / Arch Linux 32 Forums
22.03.2019 - 7 Posts - 3 Autoren
installing arch on an old computer and it is taking forever. Downloads
speeds from mirrors are around 15k/s. I'm using a 300Mb/s
ethernet ..."double-conversion 3.1.2" breaks ABI backward compatibility ...
08.03.2019 - 8 Posts - 3 Autoren
double-conversion from 3.1.2 onward names the library problem with plasma dependency loop / Creating ...
10.03.2019 - 4 Posts - 3 Autoren
all,. The packages kde-cli-tools and plasma-workspace have dependency
loop on each other. The build system tries to build
kde-cli-tools ...What constitutes an i686? AMD K6-2+ is not one? / Installation ...
04.03.2019 - 8 Posts - 4 Autoren
I'm trying to install Arch on an old retro PC (to make maintanance
easier) which is running AMD K6-2+ (which is actually more close to
AMD ...