[solved] LXQt will not start / Pacman / Pacman Upgrades / Arch ...
03.01.2019 - 4 Posts - 3 Autoren
since the update today "sudo pacman -Syu" my LXQt will not start. I can
start LXDE but not LXQt. No pt5 based program can start.[SOLVED] git repository certificate expired / Installation / Arch ...
14.12.2018 - 8 Posts - 5 Autoren
was trying to get the current mirrorlist from the link on the web site
but was stymied due to the certificate for being
expired.32 bit binary repo for Otter Browser? / Installation / Arch Linux ...
17.12.2018 - 7 Posts - 5 Autoren
would like to try out otter-browser, but only a 64 bit Appimage is
available, otherwise I should compile it from the sources, which is a
painfully ...LXDE display manager refuse to start, I always have to type ...
13.12.2018 - 4 Posts - 2 Autoren
I boot my system, the usual LXDE GUI won't appear, and the terminal
messages get stuck. The last message is: "Reached target ...Filezilla stopped working with Illegal instruction (core dumped ...
30.10.2018 - 5 Posts - 3 Autoren
an update (I can't tell which one), filezilla stopped working.
Downgrading filezilla as well as libfilezilla doesn't help. I don't know
which ...Which --- aur packages --- works with archlinux32? / Installation ...
24.11.2018 - 5 Posts - 4 Autoren
will, many of those that don't will be fixable with a tweak of the
'arch=' line, and a few just won't work. Nobody maintains a list of
those that ..."Cannot mix incompatible Qt library" for some Qt apps / Pacman ...
17.11.2018 - 2 Posts - 2 Autoren
error appeared 3 weeks ago in the testing branch on Manjaro32, but now I
managed to reproduce it with very minimal fresh installation
of ...Falkon will not work - lxqt / Pacman / Pacman Upgrades / Arch ...
10.11.2018 - 12 Posts - 4 Autoren
Falkon is not starting, the lxqt DE i can use. I go back to my save image from 10/icu broken / Announcements / Arch Linux 32 Forums
08.11.2018 - 14 Posts - 4 Autoren
It seems, I managed to break several packages by updating icu. The current list (Youtube Videos / Press Review / Arch Linux 32 Forums
04.11.2018 - 4 Posts - 2 Autoren
(in French, explains the transition to Archlinux32 repos). and about
the future of 32-bit: